var alert_nocat = "Please, select a category.";var alert_nocontent = "Please add at least one text or image.";var alert_noimage = "Please add at least one image.";var alert_notitle = "Please add a title to your story.";var alert_novideo = "Please add a video.";var alert_wrongdate = "The date is not correct (";var alert_wrongplace = "To add a place, please enter its first characters and make a selection in the drop-down menu.";var already_out = "You have already logout!";var captcha_error = "Please prove to us that you are not a robot.";var description_js = "Description";var email_error = "This e-mail address is invalid.";var error_js = "Error !";var facebook_login_msg = "Click here to connect with Facebook.";var galery_delete_confirm = "Are you sure you want to delete this image, its title and description?";var images_max = "You can add 10 images maximum.";var image_delete_confirm = "Are you sure you want to delete this image?";var link_sent = "The login link has been sent to the address";var read_story = "Read the story";var reconnecting = "Error! Logging in...";var saved_msg_js = "Modifications saved!";var text_delete_confirm = "Are you sure you want to delete this text box?";var title_js = "Title";var try_again = "A problem has occurred. Please try again.";var max_image_size = 10;var max_video_size = 500;